Services - Onsite Learning


Educational Dimensions is pleased to offer onsite learning opportunities, presented directly to participants at their workplace or other location. The onsite learning activities are faculty-directed, faculty-paced presentations, which offer the opportunity for interaction with the speaker.

On the day of the presentation, participants will register, attend the entire activity (including any resulting Q & A) and submit the required evaluation. They will be awarded the correct number of contact hours. A certificate of completion will be mailed or delivered to them.

Onsite learning activities may be underwritten by education funding from our education partners. Educational Dimensions, the CNE Provider for these education activities, is philosophically dedicated to the provision of quality continuing nursing education and does not endorse products or services provided by commercial support entities.

Services - Continuing Nursing Education

Educational Dimensions develops CNE activities through program credentialing, a process involving educational needs assessment, curriculum design, development of behavioral objectives and a number of other required elements to qualify as a continuing education activity. It is a rigorous but worthwhile process, since it ensures a quality program.

Faculty credentialing is a critical part of program credentialing that deserves special attention. Our partners want to offer well-designed and well-presented educational programs, so we work to ensure the proper credentialing of the faculty we select to present an educational activity. All faculty are required to have documented qualifications to teach CNE programs and Educational Dimensions will make sure this is accomplished in a timely fashion.

Certification is the final step in the CNE process. Upon completion of the educational activity, the Provider will issue a written certificate validating attendance and successful completion. Educational Dimensions maintains a record of attendance for eight years following course completion and can respond quickly in the event of audits by authorized agencies.

Educational Dimensions is approved as a Provider by the Boards of Nursing in California, the District of Columbia, Florida and Georgia.


Services - Consultation


Educational Dimensions is a full service education consultation company, dedicated to helping meet your company’s education goals. As experts in adult learning and the learning process, we will help you develop a quality education activity, adding value to your training activities and professional development. Whether you require specialized training for your sales force, complete instructional design of a new educational activity or updating and enhancement of your existing program, Educational Dimensions is skilled at providing quality educational products and services.

In developing a custom education program, Educational Dimensions begins with an assessment of learning needs and works with subject matter experts to design a complete educational program. We can develop supportive media, speakers’ notes and handouts for a faculty-directed activity, or design an independent study module. If you wish, we can ensure that your educational activity meets requirements for continuing education credits.

Do you have an educational program that needs improvement? Do you have a media presentation that needs editing or updating? Don’t let outdated transparencies or overcrowded slides interfere with your important educational content. Do you want to be sure your video script is free of dated references? We can review your material to prevent costly “re-dos” of your video production. We can ensure that all program media components are complementary and contribute to your program.

Would your sales force profit from improved presentation skills? Why wonder if distracting habits generate poor evaluations? Novice and experienced speakers can benefit from individual review of presentation techniques and custom coaching for effective presentations.



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